Us department of defense buys satellite images of afghanistan

It is possible that the exclusive rights to the Ikonos images are intended to prevent the media from disseminating images of bomb damage

Apparently, the U.S. Department of Defense is buying up images from the Ikonos satellite, which has been operated by Space Imaging since 1999, of Afghanistan and the United States. from the military operation area of "Enduring Freedom" makes. In principle, Ikonos could provide images in real time.

u.s. defense department buys satellite images of afghanistan

U.S. military only shows images of successful bombings with no human casualties

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The z man

Zarqawi now also in the visor Iraqi resistance groups

He is the Phantom of the Middle East, the criminal anti-hero of a continuously continued news series on the Jihadi terror, which has been his face for weeks, above all. You had to have Abu Mussad Al-Zarqawi (spoken: Sarkaui) Alias Ahmad Fadil Al-Khalailah Alias Habib ("Darling") Inventure if it does not give it, it is called the man, from which neither body sink, nor weight nor the number of healthy legs are known. On the other hand, his arms seem far to rich: from Casablanca and Madrid about Germany, Jordan and Iraq in Iran and Afghanistan. Everywhere, where bombs go up and new terror actions are planned, the Z man leaves his traces. He is the stripping puller, the super brain of the Jihadis, white cnn just as well as the mirror.

Fact is still today only: The man is unbelievable. Since the end of June this year, a reward of $ 25 million is on the Lonely Wolf (CNN) exposed; but neither the repeated US bombardements on his mutual headquarters in Falludscha – with ever new civilian sacrifices – nor the use of the elite troupe Task Force 21 could harm the phantom.

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Changing ice

Puzzle about Sudpol ice on Mars solved

The Red Planet, called the God of War by the Greeks and Romans, arouses the strong interest of science, because among all the planets in our solar system it is most similar to the Earth in terms of rotation time, seasons, atmosphere and distance from the Sun.

It has a dark atmosphere, which consists of about 95% CO2 and is very often clouded by dust. Similar to the Earth, Mars is subject to climate fluctuations, largely due to the fact that the orbit of Mars around the Sun has changed slightly in the last millions of years. A change could be determined also regarding the rotation axis, which changed in the last 5 million years constantly between 15° and approximately 35°. As a result, the polar regions are exposed to different levels of solar radiation, a large part of which consists of frozen carbon dioxide (CO2).

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Soldiering tradition in mittenwald

60 years ago, German mountain troops left a trail of blood through Greece; today, the public prosecutor’s office is investigating the case

As every year at Whitsun, Wehrmacht veterans and Bundeswehr soldiers of the mountain troops gather in Mittenwald, Bavaria, to commemorate the fallen. For 50 years they met undisturbed, but now protest is stirring: Anti-fascists organize on 7. June a hearing on the war crimes committed by the Nazi mountain hunters and put the victims’ demands for compensation on the agenda. The organizers of the protests ame that numerous Nazi war criminals will meet in Mittenwald. The public prosecutor’s office has resumed investigations against members of the NS mountain troops.

Cover of the magazine for the members of the Kameradenkreis der Gebirgstruppe

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Is the greek judiciary controlled by the government?

Is the Greek judiciary controlled by the government?

Courtroom at the Aeropag. Image: W. Aswestopoulos

The Greek Judiciary Targeted by the Press and Politicians

In the wake of the conviction of Andreas Georgiou, the former head of ElStat, the statistics agency created with him as its founding director in 2010, numerous press reports have been circulating at home and abroad that portray the judiciary as being controlled by the government.

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Spab yes – but please do not at the expense of “picture”

The Springer Verlag proceeds in court against an advertising spot of the "Taz" and laughs his own "torture jokes"

If the "picture newspaper" stupid or even terrible jokes on the cost of others, that’s fine – at least for the Springer-Lawyers. If others dare to balance Germany’s up-to-date daily newspaper, on the other hand, the legal club will be swung with all the power. According to information from the specialist sheet "Advertising and selling", Axel Springer AG has now obtained an interim injunction (EV) against the broadcast of a pretty funny cinema of the "Taz" at the district court of Hamburg.

From the commercial of the taz

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Stratcom commander: “we are not stupid people”

Stratcom commander:'wir sind keine dummen menschen'

A B-2 Spirit strategic bomber. Image: DoD

Uncertainty reigns in the USA as to whether President Trump could be stopped if he were to give the order to use nuclear bombs on his own authority and to the detriment of the USA

We had also reported that there was concern in Congress, including among Republican members, about whether, with President Donald Trump unpredictable and prone to impulsive exuberance, there was a risk of nuclear war if he came to a dr. Strangelove was. Many in the U.S. don’t trust him either. At the moment, there is concern that Trump may attack North Korea without congressional legitimacy (Donald Trump: The Man at the Nuclear Printer).

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Saudi giga-modernity: an entertainment city for the youth

Saudi giga-modernism: a city of entertainment for the young

Image: Saudi Projects

Qiddiya to be built in the middle of the desert on a spectacular breakaway edge. Gestern wurde der Masterplan vorgestellt

"Change of epoch" was a term that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman al-Saud liked to hear. And in addition a lot of verbal gobbledegook with Giga in front of it, mind you not Mega but Giga. The construction projects that are supposed to provide Saudi Arabia with a grandiose future are all "Gigaprojects". They lure architects, planners and entrepreneurs from the West as only the russellers do with billion-dollar prospects.

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Of the benefits of “intellectual humility”

From the advantages of'intellektuellen demut'

Know-it-alls tend to overestimate their knowledge and cognitive abilities – and are probably more unpleasant contemporaries

It sometimes seems that those who know the least are convinced that they are well informed. Scientists had recently published a study according to which Facebook users who are content to read only the previews of linked articles in the newsfeed are happy to overestimate the knowledge they have gained as a result. They are driven by feelings and are looking for them, a quick glance is enough to be convinced of their alleged insight into facts, without having to look further for real correctness or read the whole article. There is a lack of awareness of the limitations of their knowledge.

This can also be expressed the other way around and follows the traces of Socrates, whose motto is said to have been: "I know that I know nothing." Which is not to keep the blinders on calmly, but to try to get to the bottom of things with your own thinking and questioning. To put it a bit more simply, it seems that people who can admit to themselves and to others that their knowledge and beliefs cannot be correct, that they are questionable, actually know more and are smarter than the truth tellers who are convinced of the correctness of their opinions and knowledge.

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Poland: “there will be no revenge”

Kaczynski’s hardliners are remaking the state along right-wing nationalist lines

"We are turning Warsaw into Budapest", announced the head of "Law and Justice" (PiS), Jaroslaw Kaczynski, after the lost parliamentary election in 2011 already announced. After winning the parliamentary election on 25. October and the swearing-in of the new government under Prime Minister Beata Szydlo on 16. November, he can make his dream of a national-conservative reshaping of Poland along the lines of Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban come true.

It is not Prime Minister Beata Szydlo, the former election chief of the successful PiS presidential candidate Andrzej Duda, who is the crucial figure. Significantly, Szydlo took a vacation in early November, when important talks on forming a government were underway,

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